Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Auld lang syne and some such crap

Happy New Year. I'm exhausted already. But for good reason. MS and Master Chew were here for the past few days. And except for a couple of moments, Chewie-love and Thor, Dog of Thunder got along very well. I particularly loved the moments where Chew was running circles around (and under) Thor while Thor stood looking at him with the face of, "I can't possibly go THAT fast."

TTW and Fibji came over Sunday and brought their Wii. Much hilarity ensued (MS will post said hilarity later). But I also woke up with "Wii arm" and "Wii back" the next morning, and realized how old and out of shape I actually am. We also had a wrist injury that night (Turg). I so can't wait for my Wii to arrive.

But now that all of the fun and drinking are done, it's time to get down to business. I took the rest of this week off to deal with my crap. My office is a total sty. I've dealt with some of my papers this morning, and have already filled a trash back full of stuff. And I'm not even close to done. I really need to stop making "filing piles" on the floor, because eventually (as had already happened), there will be no floor left.

I will be cleaning and tidying for the rest of this week. And I'll hopefully be able to find some organization by then.

I may even be able to find some time to relax. One can only hope.

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