Friday, January 25, 2008

Finding a craft

Apparently, today is "Talk about Crafts Day." I didn't realize this when I started writing this post.

I've always been a believer that everyone has a "craft" - you know, that "thing" (or things) that a person does to show off their creative or artistic side. (And for everyone out there who says they aren't creative or artistic, it's in there, trust me.) That thing could be anything - cooking, writing, baking, quilting, knitting, music, photography, etc. etc. etc...

For a long time, I thought my craft was singing. But in the end I didn't really make anything from that - well, except noise. But it was never my own, not the way real musicians or performers make it their own. I wrote poetry for while - and when I look at the stuff I wrote now, I feel like cringing and throwing up. Then I was just a scientist. For some it's a craft. It can be VERY creative for the brilliant. For me... well, I loved it for a while, and then it just became a job. It just wasn't satisfying after a while. And, well, it's just too nerdy. So, for a while, I was without a craft.

I was originally inspired to start the jewelry making because of some beautiful jewelry gifts, handmade by Magenta, and the availability of places nearby to buy supplies. It seemed like a good fit - working with my hands, precision, details, symmetry, balance, etc. I just never thought it would be such an outlet or that I would love it so much. I love designing pieces and having them come together. I love the gemstones. I love designing pieces for other people, for their personalities. I loved giving gifts that I made with my own two hands. And it was creative. I was outside of my Kingdom of Nerds and Geeks and being creative and making beautiful things. The first day that I sat down and started making stuff, I didn't move from my spot for hours and hours. I had found my craft. And it suited me.

And as excited as I am about my new venture, I am nervous. There's always that fear that people are not going to like what I make. Or not understand. And whether or not someone buys one of my pieces is an indictment of sorts of whether or not I'm any good or talented. But these are my own insecurities about "putting it out there," so to speak. And I have to remember that everything is a matter of taste - and that not everyone will have the same taste as I.

Okay, enough of this runimating. I'm crewing at the bit to leave here and make more jewelry. I'm hoping to bring the first pieces to the store this weekend. Wish me luck.

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