Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ask Dr. Tina

I went over to TC's parent's house on Christmas Eve Eve for the traditional dessert mooching. During this evening, BC (TC's sister) tells me that her 5-year old son, Nicky, wants to be a scientist. He asks all sorts of very insightful questions and "invents" things (apparently, the favorite among the family is the pogo-stick plunger - just think about that for a moment). However, as much as BC has answers for many of his questions, there are some things that she can't or simply doesn't know how to answer. When Nicky asks a question, when you respond, it is usually followed by an equally insightful counter-question, and this goes on until he is (somewhat) satisfied. Or unless he wants to take time time to think on your response.

TC and BC informed Nicky that I was, in fact, a scientist. He was facinated. He tells me that HE wants to be a scientist, too. An EVERYTHING scientist. And proceeds to ask me a ton of questions like why dirt doesn't burn, and what would happen if your buried an oxygen making machine underground to help the dirt to burn, and why the dinosaurs are extinct, and what would happen if you send an animal, like a dog, to Mars with a closed house with it's own supply of oxygen and how long it would survive.

After the flood of questions, I told BC that if there was ever a question that she couldn't answer for Nicky, then she should just email me. Actually, why not set up an email address that she and Nicky can email science questions to - Nicky could have his own personal scientist. Which is exactly what I have done.

There is now an email address and accompanying blog for Ask Dr. Tina, where I will post the question and response. There's nothing there yet, since Nicky is currently away on vacation. I'm sure there will be when he gets back later this month.

I think this will be fun and funny. I can't wait to see the kinds of questions I'll get.


Clio said...

I am going to email you a copy of Nicky's schematic for the pogo-plunger next time I am at my folks. He he he

CawfeeGuy said...

PLEASE post a copy of the pogo-plunger on the new blog.

this sounds like it's gonna provide HOURS of entertainment.

Turgenev said...

Post the image. I'll pass it off to some of my friends and have a few wire-frame renderings done of it. :)
