Friday, June 09, 2006

Auto love

It's always funny when I read things in articles that I've said. Whenever someone gets a new car, or has an otherwise really fun car, I always ask what the car's name is. Half the time I get an answer, the other half I get a perplexed look. And I have always said that there are two categories of people: ones who name their cars (and other inanimate objects) and ones who don't. So it was funny when I began this article and read that very same quote. I always knew other people felt this way.

Well, I'm a car namer (for those who don't already know, the first car was Eva and the current one Ian). As is JS. And we name all sorts of objects - JS settled on Samantha for his Australian accented GPS. Most people I know are namers - perhaps not of the car, but of objects. And pretty much anything which appears to have some sort of intelligence, will at least get a sex assignment.

So, the question is, what category are you in?


Anonymous said...

Pussy Galore. You may refer to her as Kitty if you're good.

Oh, and the iPod's named Magenta.

CawfeeGuy said...

deffinitely NOT a namer. i can't even decide what to wear in the morning with certainty, let alone subscribe to one name for my car, for more than 15 minutes. (ie: the Roomba we have has had more 1st names than Liz Taylor has had surnames)

CawfeeGuy said...

btw: kudos on baning out THREE posts in as many days **golf clap**

N'il said...

Cawfeeboy - I would still consider you a namer, since you do admit that your Roomba has a definite personality/sex. The fact that it has so many names, well... that's a different matter. Maybe it has multiple personalities?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, my car is one of the few objects in my life that doesn't have a name. But I think that's because he was middle aged when I got 'im... and well, he really isn't technically mine.
