Thursday, May 08, 2008

We're not weird. We're just ... different.

One of the interesting things that I've had to deal with in my new temporary job is having to deal with a disgruntled employee (DE) who has been terminated, whose last day of work is tomorrow. Beginning with emails emploring me, if I have any influence at all, to give him another chance, to lashing out during group meeting at his mentor for doing things "behind his back." Frankly, this person was released from his job for lack of performance, and it's pretty obvious, even to me, who has known this person for all of a week.

The confrontation in group meeting began because I gave DE a document back because I did not understand how he came to his decision. If I'm going to put my signature on a document, I need to understand how the decision was made. I simply could not. The argument started with DE blaming is mentor for lack of mentoring and then escalated to him talking about how he was unfairly treated. I told him I would speak to him about the document, and only the document, after meeting.

During this after meeting conversation, DE continued to try to give me all the reasons why it was unfair that he had been fired and why I should give him another chance. I repeatedly told him that the decision was made, I had no influence over it, and I wanted to discuss the document. The conversation kept going around and around for 20 minutes. I should have closed the door, but I didn't think of it at the time. And the conversation was heated enough (read: kinda loud, but not yelling), that the Associate Director poked her head in to see if everything was okay.

After it was over, Lisa came by to see if everything was okay. In her words, "I don't think I've ever heard that tone of voice from you before." You know, that firm but serious tone. But why would she? Needless to say, I think I demonstrated that even though I am here temporarily, I'm not going to take crap.

Later on in the day, at the point where I was pretty much chilled out, another member of my branch (whom I had known only as the Guy Who Slapped His Dummy During CPR Class) pops in for this amusing commentary:

    GWSHDDCC: I just wanted to let you know that we're not weird. We're just different.

    Me: (as I'm laughing) Thank you. Did I ever mention that I thought you guys were weird.

    GWSHDDCC: No. But not all our meetings are like that, and not all of us are like that.

    Me: Oh, I know.

    GWSHDDCC: But I wanted to let you know just in case. It's like a kid who steals milk and says he didn't do it before anyone accuses him, but he's standing there with a milk mustache.

    Me: Oh, I see. Well thank you. And I'll take that into consideration.


Anonymous said...

I had thought of some _totally_ profound and insightful comment whilst reading the DE portion of that post, but by the time I got to the GWSHDDCC story I was so busy laughing I forgot it. It sounds to me like you need to invest in some cubicle/office defence, if you haven't seen them already ask Cawfeeguy about the usb missile towers....

Anonymous said...

Been there done glory and all the crap.
