Friday, August 11, 2006

Explicit instructions

So, last Friday, as part of our half-marathon training, Crazy, SweetPea and I went out for a run in the morning in the sweltering heat. Since we were leaving just before JS would be leaving for work, we made a request: Please leave the garage door open so that we can get back into the building. This was so we wouldn't have to take keys on the run with us.

Well, returning from our run about 40 minutes later, we are happy to find that the garage door is open and we can get in. Trudge up the stairs, desperately wanting a shower (it was about 200% humidity that morning), we approach the third floor and our apartments. Happy and relieved I made it up the stairs, I try to open the door - try being the operative word here. What the?!?! F*CK!! The door is locked!! And I hear Thor barking behind the door - damn the dog for not having opposable thumbs.

I called JS to inform him of the situation (very apologetic). Maintenance was called to let me in... and I waited in Crazy's apartment until they arrived. While we were sitting and chatting, SweetPea brought up a funny point. He says, "Well, he did what you asked him to do. You told him to leave the garage door open. You never said DON'T lock the apartment. He's a guy, he needs explicit instructions..." (btw, SweetPea is a guy too, so don't get all upset thinking this is a guy bashing story) Crazy and I are laughing hysterically. Well, he does have a point, you know.

I'll just remember next time to leave step by step instructions when I go running again.

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