Thursday, March 02, 2006

Karma, part II

Okay, MS. I agree with a lot of your points. And lots of bad things happen to "good" people and vice versa. And that everyone's yardstick is different. But my hope is that, out there, through whatever trials there are, some balance may be struck. (Sorry, that bit of Eastern Philosophy that probably comes with the genes.)

Granted, life is hard. And life rarely seems fair. But I am with you in trying to put as much positive energy in the world. And hope that the positive energy breeds more positive energy. Is it wrong to hope that the good you do and the love that you give will bring good to you? And not because that's what you're looking for, but just because? That there are consequences for every action, no matter how mundane. Is Karma all that much different than "do unto others?"

I know that my life and hardships will never compare to that of most people in this world. It would be foolish to believe so. I have had it good in the grand scheme of things. And I am always grateful for all that I have, most especially the people I love. But it helps me, in some small way, to believe that the pendulum will eventually swing back when things seem to be down.

How can one believe in Karma and practice medicine? - as Cristina Yang said. That's probably one of the reasons I could not practice medicine. I would think too many things are unfair.

And just as a note: The small part of me that believes in reincarnation is sure that I will come back in my next life as a lab mouse.


Anonymous said...

HA! So someone will be playing with your va-jay-jay all day!

yeah. to everything else you said.

and do you know that the word verification that I had to do to post this comment was particularly difficult... my brain hurts between that and the karma thing.

N'il said...

Yep. My va-jay-jay. I thought about it constantly while I was in the lab... we had a couple of Hindu's and Buddists in the program.