Thursday, July 21, 2005

Wild about Harry, part II

I finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince last night - at a little after 1am. After getting past a certain point, there was just no putting it down. I would not have been able to sleep for wondering what was going to happen next. And... OH MY GOD. I cannot even begin to describe the emotional roller-coaster.

It really is amazing. JK Rowling has created a world so brilliant and detailed, so vividly emotional, that it's easy to get attached to these characters that you have seen age and grow, making choices good and bad, having you want to scream "NO!" when something goes terribly awry and laugh out loud when things go wonderfully right.

I was an emotional wreck while reading the last few chapters of the book. And apparently I was not the only one. But it is clear to me, now more than ever, that JK Rowling is not going to pull any punches. Anything is up for grabs in the final book. And that is truly what makes these books so engaging.


Turgenev said...

Finishing the last third of Storm Constantine's "The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure" right now. Looks like I have a project this weekend when T. goes away to Puerto Rico and leaves the book at home.

Choices, choices... read books 4 and 5 to refresh myself of what's gone before, or just dive in to 6? Wonder if they made Cliff Notes for these yet?... :)

Turgenev said...

Addendum: Aaah, found stuff. Good old Spark Notes!