Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm loud! I'm proud! Call me geek!

Yes, yes. I am a geek. Always have been. So it was kind of funny this morning, when I read this article (taking a break from Harry Potter) about how geek is the new cool. Now that, to me, is just disheartening. I have spent so many years trying to become comfortable in my geekiness, being socially awkward, blunt, and definitely looking the part, that it concerns me that this trend is happening. Why? Because like all trends, this one will likely fade, and all those geek kids who are finally being accepted or at least not ridiculed as often, will again be excluded, laughed at, and become victims of atomic wedgies.

For a long time I tried everything I could to do to NOT be the geek - thinking that clothes or make-up or a new hair style, trying to figure out what was popular, would be the key somehow. But, I had no fashion sense, my mom did horrible things to my hair as a youth, and as much as I tried, I really was never interested in what was "popular." As I got older and was able to begin surrounding myself with people who were more like me, I realized that there was nothing that I had to be ashamed of. There were many more people like me than I had thought and there was absolutely no reason why I needed to fit the popular or accepted mold. How boring would that be?

Anyway, why do I wax philosophical about this? Because reading that article made me realize that, no matter what, a geek will always be a geek. We may not have the outward appearance or awkwardness we had as youths. But that's because, once accepting the true nature of who and what we were, we've become more comfortable in our own skins and become more confident in the people we are. Yes, we play computer games or video games, watch cartoons and Sci Fi channel, and have huge philosophical debates about Star Trek vs. Star Wars. But we are also the CEOs of tech firms and biotech companies, the scientists and engineers who keep this world running. And most importantly - we are the people who can fix your computers!

So, are you a geek? Find out. Take the test. (I scored a 77% - oh yes, I'm a geek)


efrex said...

Any geek test in which I score lower than you is simply not worth a tinker's damn... either that, or I've finally crossed over to mainstream society (75% for me; borderline geeky according to their reasoning)

Turgenev said...

75% here. Makes sense. I always felt two bits behind Tina in life.

Test makes some really silly assumptions though. "Maybe you're interested in computers but not a gamer?" For SHAME.