Thursday, July 28, 2005

Puerto Rico, You Lovely Island...

Island of tropical breezes...

Sorry, West Side Story flash there. But seriously, I have to thank MS for inviting me (well, not so much inviting me as to say, "I think you need to come with me to Puerto Rico") to join her for the weekend in Puerto Rico. I had such a fabulous time. Relaxed, fun, adventurous... it was one of the dew times in my life where I felt like I did so much and nothing all at once. It was great.

I arrived, I got to the hotel, and I was by the pool in a flash. I think one of the great highlights of the trip was the evening after arriving. MS, TI and I went on a night kayaking tour in Fajardo to a bioluminescent lagoon. Probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen. After kayaking through a tortuous route among attacking mangrove trees (more on this later), we entered the lagoon where disturbing the water produces the most amazing green luminescence (I could go into the science, but I'll try not to geek out). We jumped in, swam around, all the time producing these beautiful green glowing wakes behind and around ourselves. I'm not sure I'll ever see anything quite like it again.

Now, about the attacking mangroves... well, the mangroves overhung our route quite a bit and it was pitch black except for the little glow sticks on the kayaks in front or behind us (MS was actually in the lead kayak, so she was paddling into complete darkness). Well, on the way there and especially on the way back, the steering and directing of the kayak was ... well, not good. On the way back we were paddling against the current, so coupled with the tiredness that already set in, we did not do so well. And I clotheslined myself, with my paddle bar catching on mangrove branches... twice. Needless to say, we got back safely, although I was doubtful my head was going to stay attached there for a while.

Everything about the trip was great. We stayed at the El San Juan Hotel, which was fantastic. Old San Juan is a beautiful and colorful area, with the Spanish influences on the buildings very apparent. The food was great - although I don't think I ate a vegetable the entire weekend. The only thing that wasn't great was the trip back... but that's another story.

More pictures on Flickr.

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