Friday, April 22, 2005

Making of the modern world

It is interesting to note how it is that people and organizations approach the modern age. Some tiptoe in - afraid of doing anything online for fear of security breaches. Some jump in head first - always trying to get their hands on the newest and greatest technology. I have to admit, I am a half and half person - I know, very strange since I'm an engineer. But I actually have this irrational fear of artificial intelligence (I think that anything unbiological that can theoretically be smarter than it's creator is quite scary).

One of the now not-so-modern advances that I love is e-mail. It allows for people to stay connected, even minute by minute with some (yes, I mean you, M), so that no one is ever really out of the loop or far away. This type of communication makes the word seem so much smaller. That I can know what's up with a friend visiting home on the other side of the world without having to make a long distance phone call at some ungodly hour is reassuring somehow.

So I think it's rather cool that the Papacy has entered the modern age. Blessings over e-mail. Faith via fiber optics.

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