Saturday, March 26, 2005

Hey! Where's the ...?

I have moved several times in my life already. The average time I stay in any particular apartment is about 2-3 years. And one thing that I always find particularly strange is the ability to move somewhere and never unpack certain boxes. Then when you move again, these "pre-packed" boxes (in which I certainly do not remember the contents) get moved along to the next place too. There is always at least one box which never got unpacked since the time I moved in.

The other thing that amazes me is the accumulation of shit over time. I have to say, in the course of packing and weeding out what I didn't want to move with me, I must have thrown out at least 15 full garbage bags. In addition, I donated, I think, 2 full garbage bags of clothes to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. But looking at the amount of stuff that I got rid of, I am amazed that I collected all that stuff in the first place AND that there was actually room for all that shit in the apartment.

Right now, we are in the "living out of boxes" stage of the move. That's when nearly all the essentials (clothing, pots, pans, dishes, whatever food there is) has already been unpacked and are ready to use. I say nearly because, every once in a while, there will be a shout from a room asking, "Hey! Do you know where the insert item is?" And then it's a big shell game of, "Well I thought I saw it here, but I think I moved that box into that room... or maybe I just thought I saw it... no, wait..." And so on.

And I know, that after another couple of weeks, when all is said and done, there will be those one or two lonely boxes left, which are going to get stowed away in the garage, waiting for two years from now when we're ready to move again.

Hey, there's that thing I've been looking for all this time!

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