Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The rules of whining

Everyone whines or complains at some point or another for whatever reason, particularly at work. But at a certain point, if one is whining or complaining about the same thing constantly, it gets very tiresome. There are certain people who believe that everyone is out to get them. That they deserve more respect or trust or responsibility. And whine and whine that they never get it. Funny thing is, the thought never crosses their mind that, if the problem is with everyone else, perhaps they should just look in the mirror.

Which brings us to the LS's rules of whining:

1. You are allowed to whine/complain about something a couple of times. After which point, if you are unwilling to do anything to fix it, shut the hell up and deal.

2. It's not all about you. (obviously addressed to whomever is whining)

I feel the need to smack some people with whom I work with a 2x4 that has these rules engraved on it. Granted, I like nearly everyone I work with, I really do. But there are a certain few who always blame their misfortunes on other people, and it wears very thin. Particularly those who will complain then do absolutely nothing about it except to complain more. I experience this now as much as I did during grad school. I guess I was hoping that people grow out of such things. That was naive, I know. There are certain things that never change, that one will experience in all stages of life. It's life, and I have to shut up and deal with it.

*Take this as my one whine about whiners. I'll shut up now.


Anonymous said...

Stop talking about me.

And by the way, I HATE typing in the stupid anti-spam word that's practically impossible to decipher every time I want to leave a effing comment on this blog. Now. May I have some cheese with my whine?

bum said...

I hear you loud and clear. My pet peeve is when people come whining solely for the purpose of eliciting sympathy. They don't want any advice - they just want you to say that it'll all get better.

Thank goodness for natural selection.

N'il said...

I'm not talking about you!! See rule #2... :)

And I need the anti-spam word... or else this thing gets too loaded with crap.

Anonymous said...

You are always going to deal with people who whine...sometimes because they like to hear their own voice. If that person leaves the company or retires, then for sure there will be someone else who will step up and take his/her place as the whiner.


Turgenev said...

Better the whiner than the clueless antagonist. "I have got less of a clue than a school of dead butterflies, but dammit to heck, I have POWER, and I'll make you feel so dirty after talking with me you'll want to bathe in Soft Scrub!"

Welcome to my day.