Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Blood, pasta, duckpin and a rumble

Yesterday was an interesting and fun-filled day. BC and I decided (or rather I asked and he concurred) that since we will be going our separate ways for the next two weeks (coincidentally, for wedding related reasons, neither of which are our own), we would spend the evening doing... something. That something was kind of hard to come up with. Partly because the weather forecast looked rather unpredictable. The other reason being the fact that both of us signed up to give blood, which makes a whole array of activities off limits for at least 24 hours. (side note: I successfully banked my pint, but BC ran into some problems with his phlebotomist, who apparently could not get the rather large needle in his much larger veins, on both arms, and getting more blood on his pants than in the bag. He looked like a heroin addict with bad aim - sorry BC) So after going down the list of our usual activities (golf, drink, food, etc.), nothing seemed to jump out, at least not in the immediate area around work. So, we decided to hang by his house, up in Hagerstown, giving us plenty of options to do anything or nothing at all (if the weather decided to be evil).

Leaving work a little early to beat the traffic, I headed to BC's place (BC had already left since he gets in at 6am - crazy). First things first, when I arrive there is the tour of the house - or rather a tour of all the improvements made to the house since the last time I was there: the really cool yellow, fish bathroom; the newly cleaned, primed and stained deck, complete with tiki torches; newly built pieces of furniture; a cute little flower patch, freshly weeded; and of course the new alarm system - which talks.

Now, what to do, what to do? Bowling. We drive over to the bowling alley to discover that it will not be open for another hour... change of plans. Time to kill. Stomachs growling. To the grocery we go. BC said earlier in the day that he would amaze me with his cooking skills and make shrimp penne with a vodka cream sauce, which happens to be one of my favorite pasta dishes. So, off to get supplies and then home to cook. BC definitely knows his way around the kitchen (and around his mystery spice rack, as I call it, as none of the spice jars are labeled) and the dinner did not disappoint, as much as he may insist that it was only average. A short plop in front of the TV to let the food coma pass and back to the bowling alley we go.

They didn't have any regular bowling lanes open. Apparently there was a league getting ready to start. So we decided to give duckpin bowling a shot. What a strange game. We didn't quite get the rules. Thank goodness for the counter guy coming over when we looked obviously confused. Basically, you're throwing a shotput at pins, which are not set up like regular bowling, and the pins are about half the size of regular bowling pins. It's much harder than it looks. The ball definitely doesn't go where you want it or where you even think it will go. And we found out very quickly that throwing it harder or faster doesn't really help all that much. It's also really easy to throw the ball down the lane, think that you're going to get a lot, and just end up picking off one pin at a time. It's very hard to get a strike (although BC did manage 2 in 3 games). Really quite irritating, yet strangely fun. We didn't do so bad. BC scored 110, 106 and 120, while I scored 74, 72 and 97 (woohoo). We obviously were saving ourselves for the last game... yeah, that's it. We almost played a fourth game, but it we were there for an hour and it was about time we left. Besides it was still light out, there were plenty of other things to do... namely, the motorcycle.

Aaahhh, the motorcycle. Sun going down, balmy summer evening, and us on the bike. BC decided on the cruiser since we'd be going up and down some fun hills and he didn't want to bottom out his V-max. We were out for a good long ride, about 30 miles or more I think, from what I could see on the odometer. Jumped on the highway for an exit, which was a little scary at first, but I got over it. Hit some really fun hills, which BC didn't take quite so fast for my benefit - I would not have minded getting some air and I told him that for the next time. It started to spit a little while we were out and I was a little worried, but the rain stayed away. Riding at night is a different feeling than riding in the day. Headlights coming at you, the road lit by the your one headlight, cool breeze... I don't know. Just different. And just as fun, if not more so than I remember. Far too much fun to really describe. It just makes me more excited for my class at the end of the summer.

End of the night. Time to go home. Bye bye, see you in two weeks. (and BC, as much as I enjoyed your play by play description of what should go in this entry, I think my way is better)

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