Monday, June 13, 2005

Yin and yang

I saw two movies this weekend. Two movies that could not possibly be further apart in terms of theme and thought. Friday, JS and I went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I was hoping it would be funny, since the trailers made me laugh so much. But I was definitely afraid that it was going to be one of those cases where all of the funny parts of the movie were in the trailer... well, no. I don't think that I have laughed so much in a movie in years. Practically from the first minute of the movie. It was smart, quick, witty, with lots of explosions, and about as deep as a puddle. Just wondrous, mindless fun. And I can't recommend it enough.

Felumpfus came down of Saturday evening and on Sunday Fel, JS and I went into DC to see Howl's Moving Castle, another Miyazaki masterpiece. A beautiful movie, very charming and fanciful. And as with all Miyazaki movies, a story difficult to fully comprehend until the very end. Themes of good and evil and the lines between that blur. This movie had a charm more similar to Kiki's Delivery Service than his more dark films.

It's interesting to me how the mind can find very different levels of enjoyment. Something can simple as going to a movie can be mindless or profound, humorous or anguishing (is that a word??). That in all aspects of one's emotions, one can find enjoyment and satisfaction.

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