Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Finally beginning to catch up

I've been super whiny recently about work. Sorry about that. I know the last thing you want to read when you're taking a break from your day is me being all whiny about work.

The good news is that I'm finally beginning to catch up. My document load is at a more than manageable level now. After several months of non-stop stress and being overwhelmed, this is a relief. I'll hopefully be able to start on all of the "side projects" that I've had lying in wait for however long. You know, all the things that one's asked to do, which don't really have a deadline so they just sit in the corner until one day someone says they need it tomorrow. That hasn't happened yet, thank goodness. But I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

On a much more fun note, I'm totally looking forward to this weekend. TJC is having a birthday tomorrow and we shall celebrate on Friday with much revelry, I'm sure. And of course, CawfeeGuy and Stephen's wedding, which is sure to be THE event of the season. I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the whining really makes it seem like you don't like your job.


N'il said...

Well, it should be clear that I happen to love my job. Being overwhelmed is still stressful, whether or not I like my job.