Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hot or not?

I just finished this article and felt it would be so incredibly unfair to not share. What happens when you realize you are part of an "inter-facial" relationship? When you and the one you're with are not in the same "hotness" category? When you look at a couple with a hot girl and a dorky guy and think, "he must be loaded" - (Donald Trump anyone?).

I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and this is all superficial. But we all think it at one time or another. And, let's face it, this shit's just funny.


Anonymous said...

My favorite line is: "Do you raise the children as attractive or hideous?" That's great. Yeah, as a woman, I've always been totally conscious of the fact that I just don't want to date someone that's hotter than me. Luckily I rarely have that problem. (Damn! Now that I've revealed how full of myself I am, I have to make this an anonymous comment.)

Clio said...

Hysterical! But does it seem to anyone else like there are a lot more hot women than hot men out there?

N'il said...

I would have to agree there. I think there are far more hot women than hot men out there.