Monday, December 01, 2008

Imagine the possibilities

There hasn't been much to update on the Stardust River Jewelry front since I basically took my toys and went home a couple of months ago. I have totally exciting news now.

First, I got a very (and I do mean BRIEF) mention in the Nov/Dec Bethesda Magazine* because of the boutique that was selling my jewelry. Meaning, the blurb said that the boutique "also features local designers such as Stardust River Jewelry of Gaithersburg." This mention got my creative juices flowing, and I designed more pieces for sale.

It is the holiday season. And 'tis the season of shopping giving. But where can one find products from Stardust River Jewelry? Perhaps in the jewelry section** of the online store for Imagine Boutique. I am totally excited!! I'm hoping this will give me a little more exposure...

I am still in the process (life has gotten in the way a bit) in setting up my own online store at too. Hopefully, after the new year, I'll be able to get pieces photographed and up.

Let's see what this brings...

* I saw the blurb while sitting in the waiting room of the dermatologist. Imagine my surprise at seeing "my" name. I nearly shat.
** Thanks to Turg for helping me with the photos. I'm really happy with how they came out.


Clio said...

OMG - I am so impressed! Your jewelry looks BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

very professional - so exciting! CONGRATS!!!!!