Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Really, I don't want our President to be someone I would like to have a beer with. I want our President to be too busy, you know, governing.

I don't usually talk about politics here, simply because most everyone who would read this already know where I stand. I am a social liberal. I have great respect for intellectuals. I am, in my heart, a scientist. I believe (huge shock here, I know) in the theory of evolution. But I also believe there is a God, and that She has given us this great gift to make our own choices, you know, free will and all that. So when I hear shit like "Palin praying that God will do the right thing on election day", it makes my head hurt.

What's also been making my head hurt is all the anti-intellectualism being espoused by the Republicans during this campaign. Science is the enemy. Being really well educated makes one an "elitist." As if the work put into prusuing higher education is somehow less worthy or lazy compared to good old fashioned "hard work." Intellectualism, learning, free-thinking - they are all somehow ruining the American society. They are somehow counter to American values. You know, the values of Joe the Plumber, Joe Six-pack, Peggy the Soccer Mom, Bob the Builder and Dora the Explorer.

There is also this idea that is being thrown around that there are those of us who don't live in "Real America," are not "Real Americans." Those of us who live in big cities, like New York City or Washington, DC. Who have somehow "avoided" all the crises that this country has faced. *rolls eyes* We don't live in "Real America" because, apparently we don't have real American values. Do you live in "Real America?" Are you a "Real American?" By their standards, I am not.

I am extraordinarily disappointed with John McCain. I respected the John McCain from the 2000 election. I lost some respect for him over the last 8 years. I have no respect for him now. The choices he has made only go to show that winning is more important than standing up for what one actually believes in. Pandering to the most conservative of the Republican base. Or maybe this is actually who he is. Who knows. I know that I'll never believe anything from him ever again.

I've never understood the idea of wanting to have a "folksy" President. A President you want to sit down and have a beer with. Someone "just like me." I don't want the President to be just like me, because I know for sure that I don't have the skills to run this country. The majority of people don't. I want our President to be highly intelligent, in touch with the country and what is going on in the rest of the world. I want the Vice President to be as learned, ready to take on the role of Commander and Chief at a moment's notice. To know much more about foreign policy besides "Russia is in spitting distance from my state."

I am hopeful, and afraid, for this election.


DrBMBridge said...

pretty much agree with all of that

Clio said...

Are you sure that Dora the Explorer isn't on our team? Her association with her best friend, Boots the Monkey, clearly hints at an underlying belief in evolution...
