Friday, February 29, 2008

It's a Boy!

I am officially an Aunt again. Everyone's good. More info later. Apparently there were some issues, and I will provide updates when everything is calmed down and I get more info.

I will announce the name once Jay tells me when all the phone calls have been made.

(I will say. Dad just called. And he's super excited - he was hoping for a boy.)

UPDATE: My new nephew's name is Andrew Chaning Kiang. He is 8lbs 1oz. Chaning is a merge of my mom's name Chan and Ying.


He apparently came out kicking and screaming (always a good sign). And look at that full head of hair!

MORE UPDATES: Picture from Grandpa Lambiase of new Dad and Son! Jay looks soooo happy!


Turgenev said...

Welcome to the world, Baby X. (Omitting the name for now 'til N'il gives the all-clear.) Look at it this way: You'll be aging at 1/4 the rate of us mere mortals.

I, for one, welcome our new toddler overlord...


Clio said...

Oh no! Will his terrible two's last for 4 years?

PS - what a classy and thoughtful name.

CawfeeGuy said...

YAY! another baby!!! Congrats T! and ESPICIALLY to mom and dad :)

ttw said...

i'm so serious... this is like the virgin mary on toast. although, the resemblance is harder to spot when he's all wrapped up in the neat oblong package (how DO they do that?!). so cute.

Anonymous said...

Hi. its Susana. That is sooooooo cute. He is my cousin. His name Is Andrew.He waz born on a awsome day too!