Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wha? Hey! What are all you people doing here on my birthday?

So, I'm THE BEST girlfriend ever because I was able to successfully plan and execute a surprise birthday party for JS (aka Turg) on Saturday. He turned 35 on Sunday, so why not throw him his very first ever surprise party. (See. I'm totally awesome.) You know, we wanted to have a genteel, sedate and elegant affair. *cough cough* What? What was I saying?

Well, whenever there are too many people around, and Turg is in a really good mood, and there are martinis and cash, shit happens...

I hope you all were not too disturbed by my fits of laughter... even I'm embarrassed.


Anonymous said...

As you know, I have been disturbed by your fits of laughter in public for years.


Turgenev said...

Just saw this, and I gotta say: N'il's the BEST. GIRLFRIEND. EVER.

Poo was damn tasty, too.
