Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Really. Did we ever think to call Thor a big dog?

We can also call this post - being locked out of the house can be an awesome adventure.

Pictures have been posted, so now it's time for amusing stories from the weekend... thanks for all the pressure, Magenta.

Let me start by saying that Chewie CANNOT possibly get cuter. Absolutely impossible. Terribly cute. Almost painfully so. Also, Thor - totally enormous compared to Chewie. Never in my life would I have thought Thor was a "big" dog. Yeah, I guess everything really is relative.

The puppies were good together. It was a little tough in the beginning - Chew was a little shy. But that could have something to do with the fact that he was almost eaten by another dog the evening before (Magenta can fill you in on that story). But after a walk, they were all good. Thor was chasing ChewChew as he scurried around the house (and scurry is definitely the word to describe it).

But one of the more entertaining parts of the weekend, besides the puppy clothing making debacle, was Sunday morning. It was early, Thor was grouchy, overprotective dog during the night(howling a warning while drunk people were passing by at 1:30am), so sleep was not terribly good, to say the least. We took the dogs out for a walk at around 7am (yeah, I know. I wish I wasn't up that early, but Thor wanted to eat, so whatever). After walking around the corner of the building, Magenta's all, "Shit. I didn't bring my key." We check the back and front doors. Shit shit shit.

Miraculously, I had my car keys in my coat - this never happens. Usually, they're in my purse until I need them, so this was total random chance stroke of luck. And we're off on some crazy college-like adventure to Trish's house, two dogs in tow, to get the extra house key. Careful not to get pulled over, as I was driving without a license. While we're in the car, MS, seeing a Dunkin' Donuts and wanting to answer the call of caffiene, asks if I have money. Just for meters... possibly enough for 1 coffee. A little digging, and a $5 bill magically appears out of MS's pocket. We're rich now!!

Rich enough for coffee. Oh, and did you know that you can buy munchkin's individually? Well, you can. For 14 cents each at this Dunkin'. Yeah. We were caffinated. We had 3 munchkins each (because really, that is the perfect number of munchkins, don't you think?). And we were on our way to get a key for Studio 120.

It was early. I really felt bad. We really felt bad. So bad that when there was no answer to our first knock, we sat in the car for a little while longer with our coffee and munchkins. And when Joe came to answer the door, with Little A in his arms, the look of total confusion was priceless. There was some question about whether the key was even findable. It was touch and go for a while. But 15 minutes and 2 key options later (and $20 in case the keys didn't work and we needed food while waiting for the locksmith to show up - thanks dad), we were back on the road with hope.

MS tried the unlikely key first, because there's no suspense in that, and besides, why not get the known entity out of the way, right? It obviously didn't work. The second one did. Heehee. We did the surprised little hop and hug move, followed by a little dance while singing, "We're in the hou-ouse! We're in the hou-ouse!"

We had a really fun time that morning. Seriously, it was like one of those college guerrilla adventures when you need food or alcohol in the middle of the night (not that I would know about such things, but theoretically).


ttw said...

hey... a note outside the ladies restroom told me that you're coming up here on Friday, do you want to hang out and get drunk?

Anonymous said...

He DOES NOT scurry. Just because he is little and fast that does not mean he scurries. He trots. And when he is feeling a little spoiled, he prances. And sometimes he hops. He was definitely hopping around Thor, playwithme followme whyarentyoufollowingme? It's really annoyingly cute. And since he gets no traction on the floor, he often slides then thuds. But there is no scurrying in my house.