Monday, February 12, 2007

What a difference an hour makes

Previously, I've talked about how lucky I am to be at a job where I can basically make my own hours. It's great. I've been here for nearly two years now, my contract is about to get renewed (all the papers were signed by management, now I need to sign whenever I get them), and I really wouldn't change anything.

I generally get in about 8:30 - 9:00am and leave about 6:00pm or thereabouts everyday. Today I got in at 7:30am, since I have somewhere I need to be at 4:00pm. I didn't think it was a big deal. There was a time, way back when I started that I got in at 7:30am every single day (I was still in grad student mode) and it never bothered me. I was perfectly competent and capable from the time I got in. Today, I'm here and I'm totally useless.

At some point over the past year or so, I discovered I really like sleeping in. Not much, mind you, but just enough that I would get in about an hour later. God, I never realized how much of a difference that hour makes. I am, right now, quite literally falling asleep at my desk. What sucks is that I was asleep by 10:30pm last night, so it's not like I didn't get enough sleep. This sucks.

I'm going on a search for caffiene now... Maybe I'll have more when I'm actually awake. Then again, probably not.

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