Thursday, December 28, 2006

So, I took the week off

And this is what happens when I am left to my own devices when I have literally nothing else to do...

I received this puzzle for my birthday from Jay and Ang. I opened it yesterday thinking, "Well, I'll get the border done and work on it the rest of the week." I've never finished a puzzle by myself before (okay, JS placed one piece of this one). And things were going so well... well, I got a bit OCD and NEEDED to finish it. I started at around 3pm. I finished at about 1am.

The puzzle is 1026 pieces... and it's the history of chocolate.


CawfeeGuy said...

that is FABULOUS! you really are OCD-girl! xoxox

Turgenev said...

I will say, the piece I added was crucial to the continuity of the puzzle as a unified whole.
