Thursday, February 02, 2006

Year of the Dog

Chinese New Year Day was this past Sunday. It's the first time in a long while where I was able to be with my family for new year's eve dinner - in Chinatown, no less, so I had a really good weekend. Top that with a 2 hour yum cha on Sunday morning with friends, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Chinese New Year is probably my favourite holiday - a combination of New Year, 4th of July and Christmas (well, at least for us unmarried folks). It's loud, people are happy, and we eat. We walk around Chinatown taking in the colors and sound. Get Hong Kong Cakes from a cart on the street - a treat that I have far too infrequently. And I remember all the places from my childhood, places that are still there and places gone for who knows how long. It was good to be there during New Year's Eve and Day. I'm not sure when it will happen the next time.

The celebration begins on the new moon and continues until the next full moon - so a 15 day holiday. Gung Hay Fat Choi!

Lion Dance (a little blurry, but what can you expect from a camera phone)

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