Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dusting myself off... aka blogging Iceland

*cough cough cough* Helloooo???? Whew. How did it get so dusty around here? Oh, yeah. That would be because I haven't been around that much. Right. Well, life got in the way of a lot of things recently. Trip to Boston (where I met my new great-niece -- her name is Aly Rose, by the way), several trips to the homestead in Brooklyn, and overall crazy at work has kept me away.

But now I'm back (at least for a little while) to fill this space with pictures and stories of our upcoming trip to the Land of Fire and Ice (or the Land of the Unpronounceable Volcano, if you prefer), ICELAND!

Why Iceland? Why not Iceland? I mean, there are volcanoes, and hot springs, and glaciers, and geysers, and puffins, and best of all Thor's Woods! (although, Thor's Woods is currently covered in ash, so that trip will be played by ear). Turg and I are planning to post our adventures here (with some photos), along with more photos on Turg's Flickr page.

So, if there are still any of you out there in the blogosphere still listening (I know, I've been gone for a long time), check it out here, and on Flickr to see our Iceland Adventures. We fly out of JFK on June 18th. So hopefully, things will start popping up soon thereafter!



Clio said...

Enjoy the solstice! And the geothermal spas! And the lava flows, which are sure to be spectacular! And the rotted shark delicacy! (OK, maybe not the rotted shark...)

Turgenev said...

I'm rather dreading the rotted shark, myself. I'll do it, but... damn. Thanks for the well wishes, C!