Monday, July 16, 2007


I am so overwhelmed with work right now that I don't know where to begin and all I feel like doing is crawling back into bed and pray that it all goes away but then I wake up at 4:30 in the morning thinking about all the work I have to do that I get overwhelmed all over again.


I can't wait to go on vacation.


CawfeeGuy said...

i'm there, doc.
the wedding is in less than 3 months and i bugged out last night...didn't get to sleep till after midnight.

**squeezy hug**

Turgenev said...

Pace yourself, babe. You've got the talent and the drive. Don't let the overflow of work get you depressed. Conquer each little piece of work you finish. Heck, when you finish one, step on it with your heel and growl a little. It'll get you through the load.
