Saturday, March 24, 2007

Oh Joy, Oh Rapture!

Down here in Maryland, there is a very large population of Christians, particularly the kind that CawfeeGuy likes to refer to as "Crazy Christers." How do I know? When driving around, I observe many a car with those fishies (which, by the way, I'm particularly fond of the Darwin parody. There are also the stupid bumper stickers which say "Warning: In case of Rapture, this car will be unmanned" or something to that effect. For those who don't know what the Rapture is, it's the idea that when the judgement comes, the believers will be taken to Heaven, body and soul.

Anyway, JS and I were chatting yesterday while he was sitting in particularly bad traffic. Or rather, what was supposed to have been bad traffic according to the radio, but it was, in fact, eerily quiet. So, the obvious question was, where the f*uck is everyone? OH MY GOD, the RAPTURE occurred! Well, we were joking that's what happened. Then JS came up with this for a bumper sticker:

I hope this Rapture thing happens soon.
My commute would be so much easier!

Maybe we should get that one made.


Clio said...

Actually, while I was in Rome I was surprized to learn that Catholics also believe that on the last day they will rise body and soul. We just prefer guilt-oriented phrasing like "Judgement Day". Somehow amid 16 years of Catholic education and a dad who is a deacon, I either missed the memo about this or it failed to sink in. I guess this is why Catholics frown on cremation.

That said, at least we have forgiven Galileo for being right.

N'il said...

I think the difference is, from the standpoint on the research I did on the Rapture, is that it doesn't occur on the last day. It appears to be the concept that it will occur during the end times, but not necessarily at judgement. Meaning that there will be people "Left Behind" (which is where that whole series of books came from). That's why I think it's more obnoxious than anything else.

Clio said...

Wow, that is obnoxious! I hope it happens soon so that those of us "left behind" can throw a party.