Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Big dog, Little dog

I introduced Jay and Ang's fuzzy baby not too long ago. Well, at Thanksgiving, Thor met his little cousin dog, who isn't so little anymore. Hauser is almost twice as big as Thor. He certainly is twice as tall. But anyone who has met Thor knows that Thor believes he is much bigger than he actually is, and acts that way, much to the humour of everyone else.

Well, the cousin dog meeting went as well as we could have hoped. They liked each other. They played and played. They chased. I think what was most amusing to me is that for much of the time, Thor was doing most of the chasing - pretty nimble for a dog with such short legs. And I'm always amused when the little dog chases the big dog. That shit's just funny. Equally funny was when Hauser went into stalker mode with Thor staring at Hauser coming at him with the look of "You know I can see you..."

After a while, because Thor is Thor, he got tired and didn't want to play anymore. And Hauser, because he lost his playmate to tiredness, he did what every precocious puppy does when they're big enough - he wanted our attention, particularly where there was food.

In the end, I was so happy that the puppies got along (yes, Thor is still my puppy). And hopefully the fun will continue the more times they get together.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wireless life

I work at home once a week. The problem with working where I do is that security is tight. So until recently (read: tonight), in order to connect to work, I had to use dial-up. That's right. Now, we've had broadband for a long while, so it seems silly for me to have to use dial-up. So, let me explain.

Our apartment is completely wireless. There is the cable modem, the router and all sorts of wireless cards for various devices. There were practical reasons for this arrangement. Mostly, because of the way the apartment is laid out, running wires to the loft would be too much work and far too unsightly. So, we chose to be wireless.

The major issue with this arrangement is that my work computer, for reasons of security, was freed of its wireless card before I received it. That's right. My work computer came with a wireless card and it was removed before I received it. Only recently, within the past couple of months, has the agency allowed wireless access for home use. Once I heard that - I jumped on it and got my card re-installed. Great, simple, right?

Wrong. The encryption used by the agency is WPA, which, until recently (read: last week), was not supported by TiVo. So until all of the software was updated, etc., the choice was TiVo or work computer. Well... the TiVos won. Anyhoo, that's not a problem anymore since the software has been upgraded to support WPA encryption (well, on one of them... the other one is having issues).

So, what's the point? Well, now that everything has been set up and updated, I not only have broadband access with my work computer, but on top of that it's wireless. This makes me a very happy camper. No more waiting forever (and I do mean FOREVER) for email to load into Outlook. And I am no longer tethered to my desk.

This will make working at home even more enjoyable from now on. No more screaming at the dial-up anymore!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Odd Priorities

Election day was yesterday. Obviously this was a very important election for a number of reasons. Whether one believes it was a referendum on the current administration, on the Iraq war or whatever, it was very clear that the people in this country wanted a change. So the fact that the headlines on major news sites, like were splashed with news of election results, surprises, upsets and possible recounts is no surprise.

I mean, it's the day after come very contentious politicking. So, when I scolled down the CNN page to read the other top headlines, I was amused when I saw this in the list:

I just love that in this country, Britney Spear's divorce is considered a top headline just below a story about a suicide bomber.

But, as you can tell... I clicked on the Britney article first. What does that say about me?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Extreme grocery shopping

Okay, so JS and I have discovered a really cool grocery shopping experience. I know what you're thinking: "Cool grocery shopping experience? What the hell is she on??" Let me explain. There is a new grocery store in our area called Bloom. The concept of this store (yes, this store was built on a concept) is to design a grocery store based on customer suggestions. So what you end with is a grocery store that is actually quite logically designed: The prepared foods are right by the front door so you don't have to go all the way to the back to get grab-and-go meal. The non-foods are relegated to the far end of the store so you get to that point last (which is good for someone like me who generally skips those isles in favor of Target). A map of the store on the grocery cart so if you forget something you're not like,"what isle was that in?" and run up and down isles looking for crap. And price scanners everywhere (because you never know when something is in the wrong place on a shelf).

Okay, I know, where's the cool part? Well, the cool part comes in the form of hand scanners. You know, like the ones they use when they stock? You scan a customer card (like a bonus card type thing), pick up a scanner, pick up a rack of bags, and you're off. Scan and bag as you go along, all the while keeping a tally of the final total. When you're done, you scan that you're done, go to a self-checkout, scan the customer card and everything you just scanned appears magically on the screen. Pay and leave. No surprise gigantic total at the end. No argument over price since you found out when you scanned. Totally awesome.

I know I'm totally geeky. But you have to understand, I'm one of those people who likes the self-checkout because it's generally faster, and I don't have to deal with a crabby checkout person. This whole, everything-is-scanned-as-I-go-along-and-all-I-have-to-do-is-pay thing is very very cool to me.

And I like using the scanner. But that's the geeky part.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I have nothing witty to say

I'm very tired. These past couple of weeks have been stressful. And I think I need a nap.